Congratulations Madysin on being accepted to Florida A&M University!!!

Maddie graduated last year, class of 2022 and attended LSU last year and was accepted to attend Florida A&M this year (2023) and is really excited!  She will be pursuing a degree in Journalism but really enjoys acting and performing.  Here’s one of the clips (Click Here) where my talented niece performed…..she can also sing by the way.

65th Cunningham-Reed Family Reunion

The 65th Cunningham-Reed family reunion was held in Ypsilanti, Michigan 14-16 July 2023. The reunion will always be held during the 3rd Saturday in July so plan on attending next year. Family reunions should be a priority in every family.

There are numerous benefits to attending Family reunions:
1) It strengthens bonds and relationships.
2) Share stories and family traditions.
3) Discover your ancestry and why its important to know your descendents.
4) Encourage one another.
5) Life is short!

Now is the time to plan to attend next year’s reunion. Bring your children and grand-children so they can know their family and have pride in its accomplishments.

Click Here to see pictures and videos from this year’s reunion

Robert and Elizabeth Sauls 10th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Rob and Liz celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on 2 September. HERE are some pictures from the celebration.